Ari Constantine – Pyramid Training, Powerlifting Personal Trainer

Ari Constantine – Pyramid Training, Powerlifting Personal Trainer –

Coach Ari is a passionate fitness professional with a deeply personal connection to the transformative power of health and wellness. Emerging from a period of darkness in her life, Coach Ari discovered the profound impact of fitness, and it became her guiding light during challenging times. Her own journey has instilled within her a profound sense of gratitude for the positive influence of a healthy lifestyle, compelling her to share this gift with others.

Driven by her personal transformation, Coach Ari pursued a career in coaching, aspiring to empower individuals to unlock their full potential through fitness. With a holistic approach to coaching, she not only focuses on physical fitness but also emphasizes overall health and wellness. Recognizing the intrinsic value of inner well-being, Coach Ari is dedicated to addressing the complete well-being of her clients, understanding that true transformation encompasses mind, body, and soul.

Coach Ari’s mission extends beyond merely guiding individuals through workouts; she is committed to fostering lasting, positive change in the lives of her clients. As a coach, she endeavors to inspire and guide individuals towards a permanent, positive shift in their lives, nurturing a sustainable foundation for improved well-being. With unwavering dedication, she stands as a steadfast ally, promising unwavering support and encouragement to every individual on their transformative journey.

Embracing a philosophy of resilience and determination, Coach Ari is steadfast in her commitment to her clients’ success. With a resounding promise that she will not let anyone falter, she emboldens individuals to seize the opportunity to initiate profound and enduring changes in their lives. Her unwavering determination and fervent belief in the potential of every individual propel her coaching, guiding clients towards their aspirations with steadfast assurance.

Coach Ari’s approach is defined by a zealous dedication to guiding individuals towards holistic well-being, embodying the belief that true transformation begins from within. With an unwavering dedication to each client’s journey, she ignites the spark of positive change, fostering a supportive environment where individuals can flourish. Through her guidance, individuals embark on a transformative path, embracing the promise of a brighter, healthier future.

For Coach Ari, the journey towards wellness and fulfillment starts here. With a steadfast pledge to accompany individuals every step of the way, she invites them to embrace the opportunity for lasting, positive change. Together, with Coach Ari at the helm, individuals embark on a journey towards a healthier, more vibrant life.

Dr. Sean Preuss – Health Management Personal Trainer

Dr. Sean Preuss – Health Management Personal Trainer

Dr. Sean Preuss is a dedicated leader in the health and fitness industry, committed to guiding individuals towards improved well-being through safe and sustainable exercise practices.

With a focus on fostering lasting, positive change, he specializes in a diverse array of health and fitness areas, including lasting weight loss, chronic health issue management, pain management, improving bone density, and facilitating muscle growth. Sean’s extensive education and hands-on experience uniquely position him as a top authority in his field.

He holds a Doctorate in Kinesiology, reflecting his deep understanding of human movement and exercise science, and has garnered a wealth of knowledge through 19 years of dedicated service as a personal trainer and Exercise Science Professor. This robust background equips him with a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between physical activity and overall well-being.

As a seasoned professional, Sean is deeply passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their health and fitness goals in a manner that prioritizes safety, sustainability, and long-term success. By leveraging his expertise, he is able to devise tailored exercise regimens that not only yield tangible results but also contribute to the holistic wellness of his clients.

His approach is characterized by a keen emphasis on personalized care, ensuring that each individual receives the attention and guidance they need to thrive on their unique health and fitness journey. Moreover, Sean’s commitment to ongoing education and professional growth sets him apart as a forward-thinking leader in his field. By staying abreast of the latest developments in exercise science and health research, he remains at the forefront of innovative, evidence-based practices, continually refining his methodologies to best serve his clients.

An advocate for holistic health, Sean recognizes the profound impact that physical well-being has on all aspects of life. By promoting the importance of balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and mindful lifestyle choices, he seeks to instill a foundation of wellness that extends far beyond the gym or training session.

Through his unwavering dedication and comprehensive expertise, Sean has emerged as a trusted authority in the realm of health and fitness, positively impacting the lives of countless individuals. His steadfast commitment to guiding others on the path to improved health, vitality, and resilience underscores his profound dedication to the well-being of those he serves.

Drea Holland – Elite Trainer – Specialist in Women’s Fitness

Drea Holland – Elite Trainer – Specialist in Women’s Fitness

Sixteen years ago, my journey into the world of fitness began during a challenging period of complete bed rest due to a high-risk pregnancy. Standing at just 5 feet tall and weighing over 200 pounds, I embarked on a quest to shed weight in a healthy manner. Despite grappling with a flood of conflicting information, I resolved to become a beacon of guidance by transforming not only my own life but also the lives of those around me.

Armed with an Elite Trainer Certification, I have fortified my expertise with specialized certifications in transformation, sports and fitness nutrition, and women’s fitness from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). These credentials have empowered me to craft tailored solutions for individuals seeking to embark on their fitness journey.

My overarching mission is to empower my clients to unlock their healthiest and happiest selves through a holistic approach encompassing exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle adjustments. By fostering a deep comprehension of the intricate interplay between these elements, I aim to equip individuals with the tools necessary to optimize their well-being and vitality.

Throughout my career as a fitness professional, I have honed my skills to deliver personalized training programs that cater to the unique needs and aspirations of each client. By leveraging my diverse array of certifications, I am adept at designing comprehensive fitness regimens that transcend mere physical transformation, delving into the realms of mental fortitude and emotional well-being.

As a transformation specialist, I am committed to guiding individuals through their metamorphosis, offering unwavering support and motivation at every step of their journey. By fostering a nurturing environment that prioritizes growth and self-discovery, I strive to instill a sense of empowerment and confidence in my clients, enabling them to surmount obstacles with resilience and tenacity.

My proficiency as a specialist in sports and fitness nutrition equips me with the knowledge to devise dietary plans that complement and enhance the physical exertions of my clients. By tailoring nutrition strategies to individual goals and requirements, I ensure that each client receives a comprehensive roadmap to fuel their fitness endeavors and optimize their performance.

Furthermore, my NASM certification as a specialist in women’s fitness underscores my commitment to addressing the unique physiological and psychological needs of female clients. By cultivating a safe and inclusive space that celebrates the strength and resilience of women, I endeavor to empower individuals to embrace their innate potential and redefine their limits.

In essence, my passion for fitness transcends the realms of physical exercise, delving into the intricacies of holistic well-being and self-empowerment. Through unwavering dedication and a steadfast commitment to excellence, I aspire to guide my clients on a transformative journey towards realizing their healthiest, happiest selves.

What is your Training Specialty?
Elite trainer. Specialist in Women’s Fitness

Michael Zane – ACSM Certified Personal Trainer

Michael Zane – ACSM Certified Personal Trainer –

Michael is the dynamic founder of Respire®, a visionary leader in the realm of fitness and wellness. Armed with a degree in Kinesiology from MSU, Michael has honed his expertise with a plethora of certifications, including personal training, nutrition, corrective exercise, and a coveted USA Boxing coaching license. Notably, he is also recognized as a distinguished Proteus® motion ambassador, further solidifying his authority in the industry.

Michael’s unwavering passion for fitness and well-being is rooted in his belief that true vitality stems from a holistic approach to health. He champions the philosophy that optimal fitness can only be achieved by nurturing and actively engaging the body, while simultaneously cultivating a deep-seated appreciation for the profound connection between nutrition and movement. By emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between these two fundamental elements, Michael strives to empower individuals to unlock their physical potential and lead lives enriched by vitality and vigor.

Throughout his career, Michael has consistently demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to the well-being of others, leveraging his comprehensive skill set and holistic approach to transform the lives of countless individuals. His unique blend of academic knowledge and practical experience has enabled him to develop innovative strategies that resonate with clients from all walks of life, inspiring them to embrace a lifestyle centered on holistic wellness.

As the driving force behind Respire®, Michael has set a new standard for excellence in the industry. Through his innovative methodologies and unwavering dedication, he has cultivated a community of individuals united by their shared commitment to holistic well-being. By fostering an environment that prioritizes the fusion of nourishment, movement, and mindfulness, Michael has established Respire® as a beacon of inspiration and transformation, guiding individuals on their journey to realizing their full physical and mental potential.

In addition to his remarkable professional achievements, Michael remains deeply invested in the continual evolution of his craft. He is dedicated to staying at the vanguard of the industry, consistently seeking out new knowledge and pioneering methodologies to enhance the efficacy of his practice. By remaining at the forefront of advancements in fitness, nutrition, and wellness, Michael ensures that Respire® remains an unparalleled force for positive change in the lives of those it touches.

Michael’s profound impact extends far beyond the realm of fitness and wellness, as he continues to inspire individuals to embrace a lifestyle defined by balance, vitality, and purpose. Through his unwavering dedication to the well-being of others, Michael has solidified his

Rob Andrews – Strength, Powerlifting, Endurance Training

Rob Andrews – Strength, Powerlifting, Endurance Training –

Coach Rob, a dedicated NASM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) with aspirations of becoming a nutritionist and certified strength and conditioning coach, welcomes you to his inspiring fitness journey. Over the past six years, he has immersed himself in the realm of health and wellness, experiencing firsthand the challenges of both weight loss and weight gain. Rob’s passion for powerlifting has driven him to excel in this discipline for the past two years, shaping him into a well-rounded fitness enthusiast.

With a profound belief in the transformative power of fitness, Rob is committed to empowering individuals to realize their full potential and achieve their health and wellness goals. Through his personal experiences, he embodies the resilience and dedication required to overcome obstacles and attain lasting results. Rob’s journey serves as a beacon of hope, illustrating that it is never too late to embark on a journey of self-improvement and holistic well-being.

Inspired by his own metamorphosis, Rob is eager to guide and support others on their path to a healthier lifestyle. By leading through example and fostering a supportive environment, he aims to motivate individuals to strive for excellence and embrace positive change. Rob’s inclusive approach emphasizes the importance of personalized fitness solutions tailored to each individual’s unique needs and aspirations.

Join Rob on this transformative journey towards better health and fitness. Together, you can overcome challenges, break barriers, and unlock your full potential. Whether you are looking to shed unwanted pounds, gain strength, run an obstacle course race, or enhance your overall well-being, Rob is here to provide expert guidance and unwavering support every step of the way.

Connect with Rob on Instagram (@robthebuilder_10) to stay updated on his fitness journey, gain valuable insights, and embark on a collaborative effort to achieve your fitness goals. Let Rob be your trusted partner in health and fitness as you embark on a fulfilling and rewarding journey towards a healthier, happier you. Remember, it’s never too late to make a positive and lasting impact on your life – start today, and let’s work together to turn your fitness aspirations into reality.